The professional experience of the manager allows her and her staff to react quickly to different problems : we will not avoid problems to appear, but we know how to identify, control, and try to solve them the most positively. This experience also enable us to manage and co-ordinate important projects involving different issues.
Flexibility :
The analytical skills of the manager enable the consultants to integrate the client's culture, and the small size of ISIPARIS will permit its consultants to adapt themselves to the needs of the client instead of the contrary.
Availability :
The manager will be directly involved in all the services offered, although making the consultants themselves responsible for every services offered to the client's assignees and their final results.
Methodology :
Internal organisation of ISIPARIS is already very rationalised and relies on compliance with written internal processes of control. We propose additionally to establish with the client a project chart (internal rules, methodologies and documentation) to be followed and used during the life of the project.
Professionalism :
We feel very involved and responsible in each step of any process (home finding, immigration...).
We maintain close relationship with each of our interlocutors (in the administration), and our providers (estate agencies, insurance company, teachers, cleaning companies…) have all been tested and selected for their efficiency, quality, and results.
Team organization :
The team, fluent in English, presents the following qualities :
- A solid experience of the property market of Paris and its surrounding region. - An operational knowledge of "living in Pariso" and a good human contact capacity. - Facilities to be trained in learning internal client's process and methodology.
Every Isiparis consultant is a full time employee, formed to Isiparis methodology, and even if a client is always hold by the same consultant, we are all aware of all different clients issues.
80 rue de la Tour
75016 Paris
Tel : + 33 (0)1 40 07 96 67
Fax: + 33 (0)1 40 07 95 47